Career Pathways

Student’s Head-Start on a College Degree or Certificate

Career Pathways is a partnership between Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) and Seminole State College of Florida designed to provide at no cost to the students the opportunity to get a head-start in preparing for college and a career.

How Does It Work?

A student begins Career Pathways in high school by exploring career interests through a specified sequence of high school Career and Technical Education elective courses. Upon successful completion of the required sequence of courses (B or above average required in the courses), the student will be eligible to take a college-level assessment test. If the student passes the assessment, enrolls in Seminole State within 24 months after graduating from high school and passes at least one college credit course, he/she will receive college credit for specified courses which lead to the completion of an Associate in Science Degree or Technical Certificate. In program areas that are common to both Seminole State and Valencia College, Career Pathways credits may be awarded at either college. There is no credit-hour fee charged for these Career Pathways college credits.

Below is a listing of Seminole County Career Pathways programs, including college credits earned and college savings at Seminole State (based on 2013 – 2014 fees), for students successfully passing the assessment test(s). Please see the Seminole County Public Schools website for specific programs in each high school.

Gold Seal Scholarship Program

To qualify for the Gold Seal Scholarship, students must complete one of the following four programs, earning a 3.5 G.P.A. in their Gold Seal course work and maintaining 3.0 Bright Futures G.P.A. College test requirements are listed on page 5. earn free college credit while learning about a career. See page 17 for explanation of Career Pathway courses.


Grooming and Salon Services Core 1 Cosmetology 2 Cosmetology 3 Cosmetology 4


Interior Design Services Core Principles of Interior Design Services Interior Design Techniques Interior Design Specialist (Career Pathways courses)


Early Childhood 1 Early Childhood 2 Early Childhood 3
(Career Pathways courses)


Engineering Graphics/Drafting 1 Engineering Graphics/Drafting 2 Engineering Graphics/Drafting 3
(Career Pathways courses)

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