2023-2024 Tardy Procedures

2023-2024 Tardy Procedures
Posted on 10/16/2023
2023-2024 Tardy Procedures

Good Afternoon Patriots!

This is a reminder that Monday 8/21/2023 Lake Brantley High School will start tracking and recording class tardies. Tardies are assessed weekly, and the progressive consequences will be assigned for repeat offenders. Tardies can be viewed in Skyward and tracked by you and your student under the Attendance tab. Tardies reset every quarter but until the end of the quarter, and they will continue to accumulate as more are received. Consequences may result in but are not limited to detentions, loss of off campus lunch passes, loss of on campus parking passes, and/or loss of extracurricular activities and more. 

Attached is a photo with QR codes for Android and Apple users to download our Minga app. Our goal is to have all families and students download this app and have access. Minga QR Code 1.jpg 

It can also be accessed on a desktop at app.minga.io. It is used for school wide information updates, identification purposes and overall communication. We are looking forward to another great year here at Lake Brantley High School, Go Patriots!

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