Dress Code Policy

Dress Code Policy
Posted on 08/09/2022

SCPS Board APROVED on July 26, 2022 Student Appearance and DRESS CODE



Seminole County Public Schools' dress code policy is intended to create a safe, orderly, professional atmosphere for all students regardless of gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, body type, socioeconomic circumstances, culture, or religion. This policy intends to ensure access to a safe, equitable education. Responsibility for the dress and appearance of students enrolled in the Seminole County Public Schools primarily rests with parents and the students.

Some student apparel, however, may not be appropriate to wear to school even though that same apparel may be appropriate to wear in other settings. The standards of appearance for students shall ensure that students are clean, neat, and properly dressed. They shall observe modes of dress and standards of personal grooming which are appropriate for the academic environment. It is the responsibility of the principal to see that the dress appearance of any student shall not be extreme, to the point of creating a disturbance, or is hazardous to self, others, or school property, whether the specific case is covered by the information below.

The principal or principal's designee has the final authority for interpreting whether a student's apparel/appearance conforms to the dress code.

To assist parents and students in making appropriate fashion and grooming decisions for school, the School Board has established the following minimal guidelines for the appearance and dress of ALL students.

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