Parking Applications will open for Juniors on Monday, 7/17. All info will be posted on eCampus in the Class of 2025 course. Each junior was sent an invitation for the course and will need to log into eCampus to accept the invitation.
All eligible Juniors must download and complete the contract for a Parking Spot (on eCampus).
student debt must be cleared in order to purchase a parking spot.
Once your application has been approved you will be able to pay the $80 on MySchoolBucks. Do NOT pay for a spot until you have received confirmation from Mrs. Sully that your application was approved.
To complete this parking application, you must upload the following (to the eCampus assignment):
2. Clear Color Photo of Drivers License
3. Copy of Current Registration
4. Copy of Current Car Insurance
5. Upload a copy of your receipt from My School Bucks (complete this after your application was approved and after you paid in order to get your parking sticker)
5. Juniors do not qualify for painting
***Mrs. Sully will be processing applications on Tuesdays and Thursdays only during July. Again, do NOT pay for a spot until you hear from her via eCampus that your application was approved.*** If you own textbooks or have any debts your payment will NOT be approved.