We wanted to share some information related to Minga and tardies.
This year, we are consistently using the Minga app for tracking unexcused tardies and establishing consequences based on the number that are accrued each quarter. Tardiness has been proven to affect mathematics and language skills, decrease learning time, disrupt classroom dynamics, and it's even connected to dropout rates, among other consequences. Unfortunately, this has been a constant issue on our campus, and we are addressing it with this system.
Tardies- Consequences
Each week, attendance is pulled from Skyward and we establish the following consequences based on unexcused tardies (-Y):
0-7 Tardies = Warning (No Disciplinary Consequences)
8-12 Tardies = Lunch Detention (during their assigned lunch; room 1-137)
13-17 Tardies = Wednesday Detention (after school; 1:30-3:00 PM @ the cafeteria)
18+ Tardies = Saturday School (not every Saturday; 8:00-10:00 AM @ Media Center)
The assignment day of the consequence is seen as the DUE DATE on Minga. Failure to report to any of the assigned consequences or being removed for not following the rules, will result in an assignment to the next level (i.e. not attending Wednesday Detention will result in a Saturday School). Students who fail to report to Saturday School or get removed from it, will receive a 1-day out-of-school suspension. Please note, teachers enter attendance into Skyward, so any errors must be addressed with them within 24 hours.
Minga Notifications
Consequences are entered in Minga and this system sends an email and a text message to the parents. It's important that parent information (email and phone number) is updated in Skyward. If the students choose, they can download the Minga app and allow for push notifications so that they are alerted when a consequence has been assigned. If they do not download the app, they can access the same information on a browser through their student Portal.
If you have any questions related to attendance, please verify on Skyward and contact your student's teacher if there are any discrepancies. If you have any questions related to the Minga app or consequences, you may e-mail Mrs. Marengo at [email protected].
We appreciate your support in making sure your teenager arrives to school and classes on time!