
Lake Brantley Patriots Lake Brantley High School (LBHS), a place "Where Patriots Meet the Challenge," is nestled in the suburban community of Altamonte Springs. A school rich in pride and tradition, Lake Brantley is a high school known for its rich academics, amazing fine arts and strong athletic programs. LBHS has established long-term relationships within the community. LBHS benefits from continued support of the multiple generations of families who have graduated from our school and continue to give back through area chain stores and small, family-based businesses and donations. Donations from this tight community abound; from providing a location for a car wash, to purchasing advertisements in our publications and stadiums, to supporting our thriving Fine Arts programs, LBHS is a strong and vital part of this region.

Lake Brantley High School's faculty and staff are dedicated to an environment of frequent and informative communication to facilitate the achievement of our mission statement. To that end, the daily Patriot CCTV live Morning Television Show, the quarterly Patriot Parade newsletter, the SchoolMessenger call-out system, the Skyward outbound email system, eCampus, LakeBrantley.com, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest serve to keep all stakeholders apprised of essential information. The school website, eCampus, and Twitter are updated throughout the day so that all parties have the most current information. Students and parents are encouraged to avail themselves of all traditional methods of communication as well.

Brantley Educators

The administration, faculty and staff of Lake Brantley High School are dedicated to the uncompromising quality of our student's education, as well as our shared values and beliefs about providing equitable teaching and learning opportunities for all students.

School leaders at Lake Brantley High School have implemented a documented and systematic approach for improving student learning and the conditions that support learning. All school personnel are kept abreast of the latest data for Lake Brantley High School and where it fits in the overall context of the state and country. The school leadership then uses that data to identify goals for the improvement of achievement and instruction that are aligned with the school's purpose. Evidence of this can be found within the School Improvement Plan, the Professional Development Calendar, teacher surveys, and Business Partners banner support. All school improvement goals have measurable performance targets and objectives, as well as strategies, activities, resources and timelines for achieving improvement goals. Lake Brantley's plan for continuous improvement is data-driven. The administration of Lake Brantley High School starts each year with a faculty purpose and mission based upon the data from the previous year. Data is consistently analyzed through Achieve, Discovery Education for Biology, common assessments and document based questions (DBQ). Also looking at non-data based information from all stakeholders is an on-going effort to improve and raise the bar of expectation for learning for all faculty and students.

Brantley Education

Lake Brantley High School requires all students meet the expectations as indicated in the Florida State Standards, reflected by our SCPS Instructional Plans for each course. The district has ensured that curriculum and instructional maps are aligned to Florida State Standards, and LBHS, through professional development and professional learning communities, requires fidelity to these by all our instructors.

Administration and faculty align their goals and action items to meet the needs of our students based on the data received from common assessments, progress monitoring data and state mandated testing. All teachers participate in professional learning communities to support and collaborate on lessons, analyze data, and make curriculum/instructional adjustments when necessary. District Teachers-on-Assignment in Math, Social Studies, and Science have provided staff development to teacher PLC groups to further develop and articulate the curriculum based on progress monitoring data.

Students at ComputersOur course offerings are varied and appeal to a wide number of academic and career interests. Lake Brantley offers a fully functional Federal Credit Union on site. This branch of Additional Financial provides real world opportunities for students to build skills necessary to be successful in adult life. Enrollment in our computer programming courses has tripled in the last two years, offering students the opportunity to learn high end computer programming. LBHS also offers 35 Advanced Placement (AP) courses and are proud to represent Seminole County as holding one of the highest AP pass rates in the United States which is least 3% above both Florida and Global pass rates.

Dual Enrollment is another opportunity for students offered through Seminole State College of Florida which further supports our school mission. Career Technology Education allows students to enroll in post-secondary instruction and receive both post-secondary and secondary credit in either a career or vocational path. Academic Dual Enrollment in the Academy of Construction Technologies is an option for students who have a 2.5 GPA to earn college credits towards an Associate in Science degree while still attending high school.

We also offer a variety of Career and Technical Education courses such as The Academy of Finance, a CAPE Academy and a Program of Emphasis in Seminole County Public Schools, where students will learn how to successfully manage their personal finances and acquire the skills necessary for success in their personal and professional pursuits. Members of the Academy have the opportunity to join Business Professionals of America, earn industry certifications in QuickBooks and Microsoft Office, and apply for a teller position at Lake Brantley's Addition Financial branch. In addition, we offer Gold Seal Scholarship programs in Cosmetology, Drafting, Building Trades and Construction, and Family and Consumer Sciences. We also offer Aerospace Science/JRROTC for those students who are interested in aviation, leadership and/or possibly a career in the military. In all that we are and all that we do, Lake Brantley will continue its road to excellence by infusing technology into the classroom through the addition of the blended learning model throughout all of our courses.

All students on our campus are not only provided the opportunity to, but are encouraged to afford themselves of strong and positive mentorships with coaches, performing and fine arts teachers, AJROTC Commanders, teachers, staff and administrators. Lake Brantley provides students with extensive and diverse groups to join and promote healthy relationships through interaction with their peers and administration, faculty and staff propelling them towards success in adult life.

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