What Do We Want?

  • To have a broad-based curriculum that emphasizes Mathematics, Science, Reading, Writing and Communication, Business and Applied Technology Skills, Fine and Performing Arts, Social Studies, History, Physical Education, and Modern Languages with particular emphasis on application to real life skills.
  • To have our instructional program facilitated by well-prepared, knowledgeable teachers who adapt to varying learning styles emphasizing critical thinking skills and practical applications supported by appropriate technology. 
  • To have students demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge and skills that we have taught in our curriculum. 
  • To have students develop positive self-concepts, learn self- discipline, practice personal accountability, responsibility, and, demonstrate positive behavior that reflects sound moral and ethical values. 
  • To have students set goal, be involved, be prepared, and accept responsibility and consequences for their own actions. 
  • To have faculty and staff create a positive environment by modeling appropriate behavior, treating students with respect and consistently applying rules. 
  • To have parents who will insure that students are ready to achieve in school by providing for the physical and emotional health of their children, modeling appropriate behavior, and showing a high regard for education by becoming active participants in the educational process. 
  • To enable each faculty member to fulfill his/her obligations for for professional development through continuous, broad-based, and relevant professional growth opportunities.
  • To have interactions in our school based on communication, mutual respect, cooperation, acceptance of diversity, and valuing the contribution of each person. 
  • To provide a positive environment that inspires achievement, encourages teamwork, and promotes a secure emotional, physical, and professional setting. 
  • To have a school that is clean, healthy, safe, attractive, functional, and adaptable. 
  • To have students feel successful, challenged and excited about learning at the end of each day.
  • To have faculty, staff and administration feel a positive sense of accomplishment, appreciation, and support at the end of each day.
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